This is an overview of the tools I have developed in the last 20+ years. Each tool is developed from my integral vision of society, organizations and the individual. My hope is that these tools will keep proving their value in creating a better world.
All these tools are primarily focused on getting the most and best out of situations in life and business. I thus call them tools for Integral Performance.
Click on the areas that interest you the most, so you’ll see sub-overview of awesome tools for Integral Perfomance.
I must warn you however, every tool in the form of an online course or printed tool is in Dutch!
Overview tools for Integral Performance
These Books were written to support and complement the content I share with professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs.
Online products & books are in Dutch but not in English (yet)
All of these Dutch spoken tools can be translated into English at the right time. If you cannot wait until one of these specific tools is ready for you, please let me know and let’s see what is possible.