These tools were developed specifically for starting entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who are starting with a new venture or restarting with the current enterprise.
The Integral Performance System
This tool is presented in a training form. The prime focus of this training is to uncover what a leader really wants to do, from the level of intentions, goals, targets, projects and even the level of personal and professional mission. The second part of this training is all about getting the most out of ‘self’ in all facets of life and business, how to easily and fully live in the moment, how to achieve big hairy audacious goals in a quicker fashion and how to create as much leverage by thinking big and strategic.
Excellence of Communication
This concept is shared in training form. Wheres most ‘Effective Communication’ 1.) training helps the participants to bring their message across 2.) and at times provide tools to understand people in a better way. The Excellence of Communication tool adds another 4 dimensions of Communication. Namely 3.) how to effectively communicate with your own sub-consiousness in order to find focus, peace of mind and ways to create an impact in others minds, 4.) How to effectively communicate to the sub-consciousness of others, so they’ll relax more often with you, feel the urge to act or even be willing to talk to you. 5.) How to create a super deep rapport between your sub-consciousness and that of the other. 6.) How to get a deep insight into the biggest barring in your communication to others and that of them to you, and then how to fix those in an effective and elegant manner.
Integral Product Optimalization
This program is designed so that an entrepreneur knows how to create a kickass product or service. This training is best suited for people involved in a startup or a re-startup ór a startup project in an existing organization. This program is build upon the principle ‘be first or be different’. A minimale viable product (MVP) is obviously not the end result of this program but a great product where potential clients often times ask theirselves in an intruiged fashion: ‘Wait, what is that exactly?’. This course builds further on what is discoverd in the Integral Performance System and aims to create all sorts of products that contribute to a just and sustainable future.
The Art of Persuasion
This tool is shared in training form. It builds upon Excellence of Communication and The Integral Performance System. Participants learn the skills that are required to sell their ideas and products to virtually everybody who is able to buy the product or idea. Selling is basically everything. This perspective is usefull in interaction with others.
This tool is only shared with people who have experienced a transformation into the Green path with Golden Growth. The Integral Performance System and The Excellence of Communication modules are also designed in a specific way that the by product is that it invokes the moral change that is needed in the world. It is also a requirement to enter into the module of the Art of Persuasion, since its effect is super powerful and not a good tool for people who still follow a Grey Path with Grey Growth.
The Structure of Inspiration
This is a ‘train the trainers-course’ where the leader learns how to speak from authority and use the concept of Emovere, which can be explained as emotional intelligence on steriods. During this training participants receive all the tools that are needed to fully inspire others to the level of deep felt emotions, laughter at will and even goosebumps at times.
Selling with Social Impact
This online course teaches the entrepreneur or salesprofessionals the fundamentals of sales. This course is developed for people who are quit new and/or inexperienced in sales. How do you approach a client, when and how many times do you contact people who are your potential buyers? These questions are answered so it is clear what to start with sales.
High Performance for Entrepreneurs
This online course is still in development, but the essence is all about getting the best out of yourself with so called meta-skills, which make virtually all other skills of an entrepreneur beter. For example; high performance habbits, thinking in systems, learning to see underneath the surface and tons of other important meta-skills make the difference of a lowperformer or a high performar.
The Integral Business Accelerator Program
The Integral Performance System, Excellence of Communication, The Art of Persuasion, Integral Product Optimalization course and The Structure of Inspiration are the 5 courses of a one year program: The Integral Business Accelerator Program. Altho this program is primarily focus on the Startup phase, the fase right (the Grown Up phase) after can also benefit from these tools. The expert and the novice have one thing in common: they are in a learning state and hence in the beginnersmind. So if you go back to the basis as an entrepreneur, you will get beter in what you do.